LifePads Africa

Take a few minutes to check out the campaign on Indiegogo ( and also share it with your friends. The Serviette Santé Vie project provides adequate towels to thousands of Senegalese women.

In fact, many Senegalese women use pieces of non-absorbent fabric as sanitary napkins. These limit a woman’s movement during menstruation because they are not well enough protected. Additionally, one in ten girls in sub-Saharan Africa miss 25% of school days due to the unavailability or unaffordability of menstrual products.

SantéVie Pads encourage “menstrual freedom” and at the same time offer products that are better for women’s bodies and the environment.

Our partners in Senegal will collaborate with women’s cooperatives to manufacture reusable cotton sanitary napkins for women and girls. We will use your contribution to purchase fabrics needed to make the towels and distribute them to the villagers.
The SantéVie Towels project is an innovative example of collaboration in action. It meets many needs: feminine hygiene, entrepreneurship and ecological sustainability.
Every $10 provides a set of Towels for one person.
You can contribute at the following link. Any contribution is appreciated. Your support will help us achieve our goal!

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